Exploring Korea

Working Holiday Visa Korea

Korean Passport and Flag

The working holiday visa is a joint program run by many countries around the world including South Korea. The aim and purpose of the visa is for young citizens to study, travel or explore the visiting country while working part time to supplement your travelling.

South Korea has a working holiday visa scheme set up with 12 countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom and the United States of America. In 2010 South Korea and Ireland started a working holiday visa agreement with 400 visas to be issued yearly for Irish and Korean citizens.

The working holiday visa is valid for 12 months however in the case of the United States it is valid for 18 months. The working holiday visa in Korea is called the H-1 Visa.

Working Holiday Visa Requirements for Korea:


After arriving in Korea and within 90 days you must register for the Alien Registration Card.